Leading with Integrity: Building Trust and Credibility in Your Team

Leading with Integrity: Building Trust and Credibility in Your Team Integrity is the bedrock of effective leadership. It’s the quality that builds trust, fosters credibility, and underpins successful relationships within a team and with stakeholders. Leading with integrity means aligning actions with values, making principled decisions, and being transparent in communications. This weeks blog explores…

The Psychology Behind Effective Sales Techniques

The Psychology Behind Effective Sales Techniques  In the world of sales, understanding the psychology of your customers can be as important as the product you’re selling. The most successful sales strategies are often those that tap into the underlying psychological principles that influence people’s buying behaviors. This week’s blog explores the fascinating psychology behind effective…

The Past and the Future

Your past does not predict your future. Not if you don’t let it. The successes you’ve achieved and the failures you’ve suffered can be lessons for you on the road, but they do not determine whether you will walk it.  Or how fast. Or how well. Learn from the past, build a new future.  This…

Coaching Is a Skill

Just because you have been an outstanding sales professional and successful manager doesn’t automatically mean that you’re ready to coach a team.  Coaching, like selling, takes a developed skill set.  Unfortunately, companies too commonly fail to teach their leaders to be coaches.  They might make ideal managers, but they don’t create smart coaches.  If you…

You’re Never Too Experienced

While I’ve often said that sales is a profession to be proud of, the ego is an expensive liability, so get rid of it and start right now investing in getting better.  Selling is a skill, and as such, improving it requires practice.  You’re either improving it or losing it.  Practice allows you to focus on…

Giving Less Than Your Best

Because of our unique attributes and skills, we’re well suited for some tasks and poorly suited for others.  The genius composer may not have much skill with home improvement.  The Olympic runner may not be the best swimmer.  Philosophy grads typically have trouble understanding fashion trends. The things we do especially well we can do…